Thursday, March 17, 2011

Please click...

...and don't be turned off by those random ads that you are seeing. I signed up for Ad-sense on my blog to earn money to supplement my income which shall be very soon see a significant decline due to change in location.

Please also note that part of the proceeds will be donated to several TamBram self-help groups that are rehabilitating US-return burger-burping TamBrams to their roots with free sambar-rasam-thayir-saadam therapy along with filter-kaapi-conditioning. Classes are also conducted for roadside vegetable shopping and bargaining, along with veshti-tying-and-holding-up-one-corner-while-walking and TempleVisiting-101.

Lots of thanks. Please click.

EDIT: As nangafakir has kindly pointed out that I sold out, I shall accept that - guilt as charged.


Nanga Fakir said...

Alternative title for this post:

"In which another Tam-Brahm sells out."

Safari Al said...

Andy: Did everybody not? One way or the other?

Ra: Thanks man. I am deeply touched. No more OMR for you.